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Written By Yhannu Hanya Berbagi......... on Minggu, 04 Juni 2017 | 18.13



NPM/NIRM: ............


A.    Background of the Problem
Vocabulary is commonly defined as all the words known and used by a particular person. Knowing a word, however, is not as simple as simply recognize or use it. There are several aspects of word knowledge which are used to measure word knowledge. Wilkinson (1972) said that without grammar, very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed.
In English language, productive vocabulary, therefore, generally refers to words which can be produced within an appropriate context and match the intended meaning of the speaker or signer. Knowing how to pronounce, sign, or write a word does not necessarily mean that the word has been used to correctly or accurately reflect the intended message of the utterance, but it does reflect a minimal amount of productive knowledge.
Knowledge of word meanings and the ability to access that knowledge efficiently are recognized as important factor in reading and listening comprehension, especially as students’ progress to middle school and beyond (Chall, 199:83).A literate person’s reading vocabulary is all the words he or she can recognize when reading. This is generally the largest type of vocabulary simply because a reader tends to be exposed to more words by reading than by listening.
As a learner of foreign language, when the child learns to speak or sign, a second-language learner who has learned words through study rather than exposure, and can produce them, but has difficulty recognizing them in conversation. It is important to know a vocabulary in English language because an extensive vocabulary aids expression and communication. Vocabulary size has been directly linked to reading comprehension. A person may be judged by others based on his or her vocabulary.
Learning vocabulary is one of the first steps in learning a second language, but a learner never finishes vocabulary acquisition. Whether in one’s native language or second language, the acquisition of new vocabulary is an ongoing process. There are many techniques which help one acquire new vocabulary, one of them is by reading. A learner who can read learns about twice as many words as one who cannot.
Many children with reading problems have poor vocabularies, and the gap between the vocabularies they need the one they have widens over time (Biemiller, 1999:199). Reading is one of language skill that is important and can be mastered after mastering listening and speaking skill.
Much attention has been paid to improve vocabularies in learners of second language. Reading fairy tale is one of the easy ways to improve vocabulary. Fairy tale is a type of short story that typically features folkloric fantasy characters such as fairies, elves, witches, mermaids and usually magic or enchantments. Fairy tale may be distinguished from other folk narratives such as legends which generally involve belief in the events described and explicitly moral tales, including beast fables.
Fairy tales are found in oral and in literary form. The history of the fairy tale is particularly difficult to trace because only the literary forms can survive. Still, the evidence of literary works at least indicated that fairy tale have existed of thousands of years, although not perhaps recognized as a genre. Many of today’s fairy tales have evolved from centuries old stories that have appeared, with variations, in multiple cultures around the world.
The main reason to choose this topic is that the students in school have problems to improve their vocabularies, especially the students of SMP Swasta Suci Murni Kota Bangun. The researcher choose fairy tale because this story more interesting than other kinds of story. It also has moral tales that can be taken by the students as a doctrine in endure this life. By knowing a study on the topic inhibiting factors in improve vocabulary can be elaborated.

B.     Identification of the Problem
Many points of view when we face a problem. Same with this research, the problem can be viewed from many points. To avoid the researcher getting confused, identifying problems are needed to be done. Without knowing the specifications of problem the researcher gets trouble in conducting a research and the result of the research will disappoint. Identifying problems can be said as one of the requirements to lead the researcher focus in her research. It is important because anything to do in a research is to answer the problem. In order to find the problems of learning English vocabulary a quick identification was carried out. It identified that:
1.      The students do not understand about the meaning of words
2.      The teachers haven’t any method to teach vocabulary
3.      The student have less interest to study vocabulary
4.      If the students are given a text, they will open the dictionary to find out the meaning one by one.
5.      The students have less numbers of vocabularies

C.    Limitation of the Problem
Problem is created based on function of the research. The problem is limited in this research in other to make it specific. There are many things that can be analyzed about the effectiveness of reading fairy tale to the students in learning reading. Based on the problems of students in vocabulary building, this study makes problems narrow downs into two factors; fairy tales and learning vocabulary. The research scope only includes the use of fairy tale in learning vocabulary by the first students of SMP Swasta Suci Murni Kota Bangun.

D.    Formulation of the Problem
The formulation of the problem to be answered in this research is what extent is the student’s ability to improve vocabulary by reading fairy tale at SMP Swasta Suci Murni Kota Bangun. By knowing the state of the ability of the students in improve their vocabulary by reading fairy tale, the research can be determine whether the teaching of English is successful or reverse.
After selecting two factors of learning vocabulary, the problems of the research formulated as follows:
1.      How does a fairy tale effect on learning process at SMP Swasta Suci Murni Kota Bangun in learning vocabulary?
2.      How does the achievement of the first students of SMP Swasta Suci Murni Kota Bangun in learning vocabulary increase after application of a fairy tale in class?
3.      How does the situation of class at the first students of SMP Swasta Suci Murni Kota Bangun when they are taught by using fairy tales?

E.     Objectives of the Research
In this research, the researcher decides to analyze:
1.      The effect of reading fairy tale to the students at SMP Swasta Suci Murni Kota Bangun in learning vocabulary.
2.      The achievement of vocabulary increases of the students of SMP Swasta Suci Murni Kota Bangun after application of fairy tale.
3.      The situation of class at the first students of SMP Swasta Suci Murni Kota Bangun when they are taught by using fairy tales.

F.     Significance of the Research
The researcher expects that this research will useful for the researcher, other researchers, reader, and reference. In details the research are for:
1.       For the researcher, this is significant and contributes ideas.
2.       The reader will know the relation between reading text and vocabulary by reading this research. The reader will get knowledge, wisdom, and moral teaching from reading this research, so that she or he can take a better life in her or his future.
3.       In addition, this research is also significant for the school teacher where this research is conducted. At least, the headmaster and all the Indonesia teachers of English can concern and decide what step to do further. The steps are intended to enhance the output results of English teaching especially to improve vocabulary.

G.    Basic Assumption
First time the researcher choose this subject for her research, the researcher has assumption that the English teachers of SMP Swasta Suci Murni  Kota Bangun have taught the students about reading and vocabulary based on SMP curriculum. This assumption is based on the approach that the material taught to the students consists of reading and vocabulary.

H.    Hypothesis
Hypothesis is determined as a tentative answer to research problem until the data gained can be proved (Arikunto Suharsimi, 1997: 63). Based on the quotation, the researcher proposed her hypothesis in the research as follows:
Ha                   : There is a significant effect by using fairy tale on the first year students’ ability to improve vocabulary at SMP Swasta Suci Murni  Kota Bangun.
Ho                   : There is not significant effect by using fairy tale on the first year students’ ability to improve vocabulary at SMP Swasta Suci Murni  Kota Bangun.

 HP : 085262262564
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